2.1 Character Set
character repertoire for
the text of an Ada program consists of the entire coding space described
by the ISO/IEC 10646: 2011 2003 Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set. This coding space is organized
in planes, each plane comprising 65536 characters.
only characters allowed
outside of comments
are the graphic_characters
and format_effectors.
This paragraph
was deleted.Ramification: {
Any character, including an other_control_function,
is allowed in a comment.
This paragraph
was deleted.{
Note that this rule doesn't really have much force,
since the implementation can represent characters in the source in any
way it sees fit. For example, an implementation could simply define that
what seems to be a nongraphic, non-format-effector character is actually
a representation of the space character.
Discussion: {
It is our intent to follow the terminology of
10646: 2011 2003 ISO
10646 BMP where appropriate, and to remain compatible with the
character classifications defined in
A.3, “
Note that our definition for
is more inclusive than that of ISO 10646-1.
2 and 3 were deleted.
graphic_character ::= identifier_letter | digit | space_character | special_character
A character is defined
by this International Standard for each cell in the coding space described
by ISO/IEC 10646: 2011 2003,
regardless of whether or not ISO/IEC 10646: 2011 2003 allocates a character to that cell.
Static Semantics
character repertoire for the text of an Ada
program consists of the collection of characters described
by the ISO/IEC 10646: 2011 2003 called
the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) of the ISO 10646 Universal Multiple-Octet
Coded Character Set, plus a set of format_effectors
and, in comments only, a set of other_control_functions;
the coded representation for
these characters
is implementation defined [(it need not be a representation defined within
ISO/IEC 10646: 2011 2003 ISO-10646-1)].
A character whose relative code point position in its plane is 16#FFFE# or 16#FFFF# is not allowed anywhere in the text
of a program. The only characters allowed
outside of comments are those in categories other_format,
format_effector, and graphic_character.
Implementation defined: The coded representation
for the text of an Ada program.
Ramification: {
Note that this rule doesn't really have much force,
since the implementation can represent characters in the source in any
way it sees fit. For example, an implementation could simply define that
what seems to be an other_private_use character
is actually a representation of the space character.
The semantics of an Ada program whose text is not
in Normalization Form KC (as defined by Clause
21 section
24 of ISO/IEC 10646: 2011 2003)
is implementation defined.
Implementation defined:
The semantics of an Ada program whose
text is not in Normalization Form KC.
The description of the language definition in this International Standard
uses the
character properties General Category,
Simple Uppercase Mapping, Uppercase Mapping, and Special Case Condition
of the documents referenced by the note in Clause section 1 of ISO/IEC 10646: 2011 2003 graphic
symbols defined for Row 00: Basic Latin and Row 00: Latin-1 Supplement
of the ISO 10646 BMP; these correspond to the graphic symbols of ISO
8859-1 (Latin-1); no graphic symbols are used in this International Standard
for characters outside of Row 00 of the BMP. The actual set of
graphic symbols used by an implementation for the visual representation
of the text of an Ada program is not specified.
Discussion: {
Our character classification considers that the
cells not allocated in ISO/IEC 10646: 2011 2003 are graphic characters, except for those whose relative code point position in their plane is 16#FFFE# or 16#FFFF#. This seems to provide the best
compatibility with future versions of ISO/IEC 10646, as future characters
can be already
be used in Ada character and string literals.
| lower_case_identifier_letter
Discussion: We
use identifier_letter instead of simply letter
because ISO 10646 BMP includes many other characters that would generally
be considered "letters."
Any character whose General Category is defined
to be “Letter, Uppercase” of
Row 00 of ISO 10646 BMP whose name begins “Latin Capital Letter”.
Any character whose General Category is defined
to be “Letter, Lowercase” of
Row 00 of ISO 10646 BMP whose name begins “Latin Small Letter”.
This paragraph
was deleted.To be honest: {
The above rules do not include the ligatures Æ
and æ. However, the intent is to include these characters as identifier
letters. This problem was pointed out by a comment from the Netherlands.
Any character whose General Category is defined
to be “Letter, Titlecase”.
Any character whose General Category is defined
to be “Letter, Modifier”.
Any character whose General Category is defined
to be “Letter, Other”.
Any character whose General Category is defined
to be “Mark, Non-Spacing”.
Any character whose General Category is defined
to be “Mark, Spacing Combining”.
Any character whose General Category is defined
to be “Number, Decimal” One
of the characters 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9.
Any character whose General Category is defined
to be “Number, Letter”.
Any character whose General Category is defined
to be “Punctuation, Connector”.
Any character whose General Category is defined
to be “Other, Format”.
Any character whose General Category is defined
to be “Separator, Space”. The
character of ISO 10646 BMP named “Space”.
Any character whose General Category is defined
to be “Separator, Line”. of
the ISO 10646 BMP that is not reserved for a control function, and is
not the space_character, an identifier_letter,
or a digit.
Ramification: Note
that the no break space and soft hyphen are special_characters,
and therefore graphic_characters.
They are not the same characters as space and hyphen-minus.
Any character whose General Category is defined
to be “Separator, Paragraph”.
characters whose code points positions are 16#09# (CHARACTER TABULATION), 16#0A# (LINE FEED), 16#0B# (LINE TABULATION),
16#0C# (FORM FEED), 16#0D# (CARRIAGE RETURN), 16#85# (NEXT LINE), and
the characters in categories separator_line
and separator_paragraph control
functions of ISO 6429 called character tabulation (HT), line tabulation
(VT), carriage return (CR), line feed (LF), and form feed (FF).
Discussion: ISO/IEC
10646:2003 does not define the names of control characters, but rather
refers to the names defined by ISO/IEC 6429:1992. These are the names
that we use here.
Any character whose General Category is defined
to be “Other, Control”, and which is not defined to be a
Any character whose General Category is defined
to be “Other, Private Use”.
Any character whose General Category is defined
to be “Other, Surrogate”.
Any character that is not in the categories other_control,
other_private_use, other_surrogate,
format_effector, and whose relative code point position in its plane is neither 16#FFFE# nor 16#FFFF#. Any
control function, other than a format_effector,
that is allowed in a comment; the set of other_control_functions
allowed in comments is implementation defined.
This paragraph
was deleted.Implementation defined:
The control functions allowed in comments.
Discussion: {
We considered basing the definition of lexical
elements on Annex A of ISO/IEC TR 10176 (4th edition), which lists the
characters which should be supported in identifiers for all programming
languages, but we finally decided against this option. Note that it is
not our intent to diverge from ISO/IEC TR 10176, except to the extent
that ISO/IEC TR 10176 itself diverges from ISO/IEC 10646:2003 (which
is the case at the time of this writing [January 2005]).
precisely, we intend to align strictly with ISO/IEC 10646:2003. It must
be noted that ISO/IEC TR 10176 is a Technical Report while ISO/IEC 10646:2003
is a Standard. If one has to make a choice, one should conform with the
Standard rather than with the Technical Report. And, it turns out that
one must make a choice because there are important differences
between the two:
ISO/IEC TR 10176 is
still based on ISO/IEC 10646:2000 while ISO/IEC 10646:2003 has already
been published for a year. We cannot afford to delay the adoption of
our amendment until ISO/IEC TR 10176 has been revised.
There are considerable
differences between the two editions of ISO/IEC 10646, notably in supporting
characters beyond the BMP (this might be significant for some languages,
e.g. Korean).
ISO/IEC TR 10176 does
not define case conversion tables, which are essential for a case-insensitive
language like Ada. To get case conversion tables, we would have to reference
either ISO/IEC 10646:2003 or Unicode, or we would have to invent our
the purpose of defining the lexical elements of the language, we need
character properties like categorization, as well as case conversion
tables. These are mentioned in ISO/IEC 10646:2003 as useful for implementations,
with a reference to Unicode. Machine-readable tables are available on
the web at URLs:
an explanatory document found at URL:
The actual text of the
standard only makes specific references to the corresponding clauses
of ISO/IEC 10646:2003, not to Unicode.
following names are used when referring to certain
(the first name is that given in ISO/IEC 10646: 2011 2003) special_characters:
Discussion: {
This table
serves to show the correspondence between ISO/IEC 10646: 2011 2003 names and the graphic symbols (glyphs) used in this International Standard.
These are the characters These are the ones
that play a special role in the syntax of Ada
or in the syntax rules; we don't bother to define names for all characters.
The first name given is the name from ISO 10646-1; the subsequent names,
if any, are those used within the standard, depending on context.
graphic symbol | name | graphic symbol | name |
| | | |
" | quotation mark | : | colon |
# | number sign | ; | semicolon |
& | ampersand | < | less-than sign |
' | apostrophe, tick | = | equals sign |
( | left parenthesis | > | greater-than sign |
) | right parenthesis | _ | low line, underline |
* | asterisk, multiply | | | vertical line |
+ | plus sign | / [ | solidus, divide left square bracket |
, | comma | ! ] | exclamation point right square bracket |
– | hyphen-minus, minus | % { | percent sign left curly bracket |
. | full stop, dot, point | } | right curly bracket |
/ | solidus, divide | | |
Implementation Requirements
An Ada implementation shall accept Ada source code
in UTF-8 encoding, with or without a BOM (see A.4.11),
where every character is represented by its code point. The character
pair CARRIAGE RETURN/LINE FEED (code points 16#0D# 16#0A#) signifies
a single end of line (see 2.2); every other
occurrence of a format_effector other than
the character whose code point position is 16#09# (CHARACTER TABULATION)
also signifies a single end of line.
Reason: {
This is simply requiring that an Ada implementation
be able to directly process the ACATS, which is provided in the described
format. Note that files that only contain characters with code points
in the first 128 (which is the majority of the ACATS) are represented
in the same way in both UTF-8 and in "plain" string format.
The ACATS includes a BOM in files that have any characters with code
points greater than 127. Note that the BOM contains characters not legal
in Ada source code, so an implementation can use that to automatically
distinguish between files formatted as plain Latin-1 strings and UTF-8
with BOM.
We allow line endings
to be both represented as the pair CR LF (as in Windows and the ACATS),
and as single format_effector characters (usually
LF, as in Linux), in order that files created by standard tools on most
operating systems will meet the standard format. We specify how many
line endings each represent so that compilers use the same line numbering
for standard source files.
This requirement increases
portability by having a format that is accepted by all Ada compilers.
Note that implementations can support other source representations, including
structured representations like a parse tree.
Implementation Permissions
The categories defined above, as well as case mapping
and folding, may be based on an implementation-defined version of ISO/IEC
10646 (2003 edition or later). In
a nonstandard mode, the implementation may support a different character
repertoire[; in particular, the set of characters that are considered
identifier_letters can be extended or changed
to conform to local conventions].
Ramification: If
an implementation supports other character sets, it defines which characters
fall into each category, such as “identifier_letter,”
and what the corresponding rules of this section are, such as which characters
are allowed in the text of a program.
The exact categories,
case mapping, and case folding chosen affects identifiers, the result
of '[[Wide_]Wide_]Image, and packages Wide_Characters.Handling and Wide_Wide_Characters.Handling.
Discussion: This
permission allows implementations to upgrade to using a newer character
set standard whenever that makes sense, rather than having to wait for
the next Ada Standard. But the character set standard used cannot be
older than ISO/IEC 10646:2003 (which is essentially similar to Unicode
1 {
The characters in categories other_control,
other_private_use, and other_surrogate
are only allowed in comments Every code
position of ISO 10646 BMP that is not reserved for a control function
is defined to be a graphic_character
by this International Standard. This includes all code positions other
than 0000 - 001F, 007F - 009F, and FFFE - FFFF.
2 {
The language does not specify the source representation
of programs.
This paragraph
was deleted.Discussion: {
Any source representation is valid so long as the
implementer can produce an (information-preserving) algorithm for translating
both directions between the representation and the standard character
set. (For example, every character in the standard character set has
to be representable, even if the output devices attached to a given computer
cannot print all of those characters properly.) From a practical point
of view, every implementer will have to provide some way to process the
It is the intent to allow source representations, such as parse trees,
that are not even linear sequences of characters. It is also the intent
to allow different fonts: reserved words might be in bold face, and that
should be irrelevant to the semantics.
Extensions to Ada 83
Ada 95 allows 8-bit and
16-bit characters, as well as implementation-specified character sets.
Wording Changes from Ada 83
The syntax rules in this
subclause clause
are modified to remove the emphasis on basic characters vs. others. (In
this day and age, there is no need to point out that you can write programs
without using (for example) lower case letters.) In particular,
(representing all characters usable outside comments) is added, and
other_special_character, and
are removed.
Special_character is expanded
to include Ada 83's
as well as new 8-bit characters not present in Ada 83.
Ada 2005 removes special_character altogether;
we want to stick to ISO/IEC 10646:2003 character classifications.
Note that the term “basic letter” is used in
Character Handling” to refer to
letters without diacritical marks.
Character names now come from
ISO/IEC 10646:2003 ISO
This paragraph
was deleted.{
We use identifier_letter
rather than letter since ISO 10646 BMP includes
many "letters' that are not permitted in identifiers (in the standard
Extensions to Ada 95
Program text can use most characters
defined by ISO-10646:2003. This subclause clause has been rewritten to use the categories defined in that Standard. This
should ease programming in languages other than English.
Inconsistencies With Ada 2005
An implementation is allowed
(but not required) to use a newer character set standard to determine
the categories, case mapping, and case folding. Doing so will change
the results of attributes '[[Wide_]Wide_]Image and the packages [Wide_]Wide_Characters.Handling
in the case of a few rarely used characters. (This also could make some
identifiers illegal, for characters that are no longer classified as
letters.) This is unlikely to be a problem in practice. Moreover, truly
portable Ada 2012 programs should avoid using in these contexts any characters
that would have different classifications in any character set standards
issued since 10646:2003 (since the compiler can use any such standard
as the basis for its classifications).
Wording Changes from Ada 2005
Correction: Clarified that only characters
in the categories defined here are allowed in the source of an Ada program.
This was clear in Ada 95, but Amendment 1 dropped the wording instead
of correcting it.
A standard source representation is defined that
all compilers are expected to process. Since this is the same format
as the ACATS, it seems unlikely that there are any implementations that
don't meet this requirement. Moreover, other representations are still
permitted, and the "impossible or impractical" loophole (see
1.1.3) can be invoked for any implementations
that cannot directly process the ACATS.
Ada 2005 and 2012 Editions sponsored in part by Ada-Europe