7.3.2 Type Invariants
This aspect shall be specified by an expression,
called an invariant expression. Type_Invariant
may be specified on a private_type_declaration,
on a private_extension_declaration,
or on a full_type_declaration
that declares the completion of a private type or private extension.
Aspect Description
for Type_Invariant: A
condition that must hold true for all objects of a type.
This aspect shall be specified by an expression,
called an invariant expression. Type_Invariant'Class may be specified
on a private_type_declaration
or a private_extension_declaration.
Reason: {
A class-wide type invariant cannot be hidden in
the private part, as the creator of an extension needs to know about
it in order to conform to it in any new or overriding operations. On
the other hand, a specific type invariant is not inherited, so that no
operation outside of the original package needs to conform to it; thus
there is no need for it to be visible.
Aspect Description
for Type_Invariant'Class: A
condition that must hold true for all objects in a class of types.
Name Resolution Rules
The expected type for an invariant expression is
any boolean type.
[Within an invariant expression, the identifier
of the first subtype of the associated type denotes the current instance
of the type.] Within an invariant expression associated with type T,
the type of the current instance is T for the Type_Invariant aspect
and T'Class for the Type_Invariant'Class aspect.
Proof: The first
sentence is given formally in 13.1.1.
Legality Rules
[The Type_Invariant'Class aspect shall not be specified
for an untagged type.] The Type_Invariant aspect shall not be specified
for an abstract type.
Proof: The first
sentence is given formally in 13.1.1.
Static Semantics
[If the Type_Invariant aspect is specified for
a type T, then the invariant expression applies to T.]
[If the Type_Invariant'Class aspect is specified
for a tagged type T, then the invariant expression applies to
all descendants of T.]
Proof: "Applies"
is formally defined in 13.1.1.
Dynamic Semantics
If one or more invariant expressions apply to a
type T, then an invariant check is performed at the following
places, on the specified object(s):
After successful default
initialization of an object of type T, the check is performed
on the new object;
After successful conversion
to type T, the check is performed on the result of the conversion;
For a view conversion, outside the immediate scope
of T, that converts from a descendant of T (including T
itself) to an ancestor of type T (other than T itself),
a check is performed on the part of the object that is of type T:
after assigning
to the view conversion; and
after successful
return from a call that passes the view conversion as an in out
or out parameter.
Ramification: For
a single view conversion that converts between distantly related types,
this rule could be triggered for multiple types and thus multiple invariant
checks may be needed.
Implementation Note:
For calls to inherited subprograms (including dispatching
calls), the implied view conversions mean that a wrapper is probably
needed. (See the Note at the bottom of this subclause for more on the
model of checks for inherited subprograms.)
For view conversions involving
class-wide types, the exact checks needed may not be known at compile-time.
One way to deal with this is to have an implicit dispatching operation
that is given the object to check and the tag of the target of the conversion,
and which first checks if the passed tag is not for itself, and if not,
checks the its invariant on the object and then calls the operation of
its parent type. If the tag is for itself, the operation is complete.
After a successful call on
the Read or Input stream attribute of the type T, the check is
performed on the object initialized by the stream attribute;
An invariant is checked upon successful return
from a call on any subprogram or entry that:
is declared within the immediate scope of type
T (or by an instance of a generic unit, and the generic is declared
within the immediate scope of type T), and
is visible outside
the immediate scope of type T or overrides an operation that is
visible outside the immediate scope of T, and
has a result with a part of type T, or one
or more parameters with a part of type T, or an access to variable
parameter whose designated type has a part of type T.
If performing checks is required by the Invariant
or Invariant'Class assertion policies (see 11.4.2)
in effect at the point of corresponding aspect specification applicable
to a given type, then the respective invariant expression is considered
Ramification: If
a class-wide invariant expression is enabled for a type, it remains enabled
when inherited by descendants of that type, even if the policy in effect
is Ignore for the inheriting type.
The invariant check consists of the evaluation
of each enabled invariant expression that applies to T, on each
of the objects specified above. If any of these evaluate to False, Assertions.Assertion_Error
is raised at the point of the object initialization, conversion, or call.
If a given call requires more than one evaluation of an invariant expression,
either for multiple objects of a single type or for multiple types with
invariants, the evaluations are performed in an arbitrary order, and
if one of them evaluates to False, it is not specified whether the others
are evaluated. Any invariant check is performed prior to copying back
any by-copy in out or out parameters. Invariant checks,
any postcondition check, and any constraint or predicate checks associated
with in out or out parameters are performed in an arbitrary
The invariant checks performed on a call are determined
by the subprogram or entry actually invoked, whether directly, as part
of a dispatching call, or as part of a call through an access-to-subprogram
Ramification: Invariant
checks on subprogram return are not performed on objects that are accessible
only through access values. It is also possible to call through an access-to-subprogram
value and reach a subprogram body that has visibility on the full declaration
of a type, from outside the immediate scope of the type. No invariant
checks will be performed if the designated subprogram is not itself externally
visible. These cases represent "holes" in the protection provided
by invariant checks; but note that these holes cannot be caused by clients
of the type T with the invariant without help for the designer
of the package containing T.
Implementation Note:
The implementation might want to produce a warning if a private extension
has an ancestor type that is a visible extension, and an invariant expression
depends on the value of one of the components from a visible extension
13 {
For a call of a primitive subprogram of type NT
that is inherited from type T, the specified checks of the specific
invariants of both the types NT and T are performed. For
a call of a primitive subprogram of type NT that is overridden
for type NT, the specified checks of the specific invariants of
only type NT are performed.
Proof: This follows
from the definition of a call on an inherited subprogram as view conversions
of the parameters of the type and a call to the original subprogram (see
3.4), along with the normal invariant checking
rules. In particular, the call to the original subprogram takes care
of any checks needed on type T, and the checks required on view
conversions take care of any checks needed on type NT, specifically
on in out and out parameters. We require this in order
that the semantics of an explicitly defined wrapper that does nothing
but call the original subprogram is the same as that of an inherited
Extensions to Ada 2005
Ada 2005 and 2012 Editions sponsored in part by Ada-Europe