7.4 Deferred Constants
[Deferred constant declarations may be used to declare
constants in the visible part of a package, but with the value of the
constant given in the private part. They may also be used to declare
constants imported from other languages (see
Legality Rules
deferred constant declaration is an
with the reserved word
constant but no initialization expression.]
The constant declared by a deferred constant declaration
is called a
deferred constant.
the Import aspect (see B.1) is True for a deferred
constant declaration, the ] A deferred
constant declaration requires a completion, which shall be a full constant
declaration (called the
full declaration of the deferred constant)
or a pragma
Import (see Annex B).
Proof: The first sentence is redundant,
as it is stated officially in
The first part of the last sentence is redundant,
as no imported entity may have a completion, as stated in B.1.
A deferred constant
declaration that is completed by a full constant declaration shall occur
immediately within the visible part of a
For this case, the following additional rules apply to the corresponding
full declaration:
The full declaration shall occur immediately within
the private part of the same package;
The deferred and full constants shall have the same type
or shall have statically matching anonymous access subtypes;
If the
deferred constant declaration includes a subtype
defined by the subtype_indication
S that defines
a in the deferred declaration is
subtype, then the
constraint subtype
defined by the
in the full declaration shall match
the constraint
defined by S it statically.[
On the other hand, if the subtype of the deferred constant is unconstrained,
then the full declaration is still allowed to impose a constraint. The
constant itself will be constrained, like all constants;]
If the deferred constant declaration includes the reserved word
then the full declaration shall also
Ramification: On the other hand, the
full constant can be aliased even if the deferred constant is not.
If the subtype of the deferred constant declaration
excludes null, the subtype of the full declaration shall also exclude
Ramification: On
the other hand, the full constant can exclude null even if the deferred
constant does not. But that can only happen for a subtype_indication,
as anonymous access types are required to statically match (which includes
any null_exclusion).
[A deferred constant declaration
for which the that
is completed by a pragma
aspect is True need not appear in
the visible part of a
and has no full constant declaration.]
The completion of a deferred constant declaration shall occur before
the constant is frozen (see
13.14 7.4).
Dynamic Semantics
Ramification: {
For nonimported constants, these elaborations cannot
require any code or checks for a legal program, because the given subtype_indication
has to be indefinite or statically match that of the full constant, meaning
that either it is a subtype_mark
or it has static constraints. If the deferred constant instead has an
the designated subtype must be a subtype_mark.
We still say that these are elaborated, however, because part of elaboration
is creating the type, which is clearly needed for access_definitions.
(A deferred constant and its full constant have different types when
they are specified by an access_definition,
although there is no visible effect of these types being different as
neither can be named.)
14 The full constant declaration for a
deferred constant that is of a given private type or private extension
is not allowed before the corresponding
This is a consequence of the freezing rules for types (see
Ramification: Multiple or single declarations
are allowed for the deferred and the full declarations, provided that
the equivalent single declarations would be allowed.
Deferred constant declarations are useful for
declaring constants of private views, and types with components of private
views. They are also useful for declaring access-to-constant objects
that designate variables declared in the private part of a package.
Examples of deferred
constant declarations:
Null_Key :
constant Key; --
see 7.3.1
CPU_Identifier :
constant String(1..8)
with pragma Import
=> True, Convention => (Assembler,
CPU_Identifier, Link_Name => "CPU_ID"
see B.1
Extensions to Ada 83
In Ada 83, a deferred constant
is required to be of a private type declared in the same visible part.
This restriction is removed for Ada 95; deferred constants can be of
any type.
In Ada 83, a deferred constant declaration was
not permitted to include a constraint, nor the reserved word aliased.
In Ada 83, the rules required conformance of
type marks; here we require static matching of subtypes if the deferred
constant is constrained.
A deferred constant declaration can be completed
with a
Import. Such a deferred constant declaration need not be within a
The rules for too-early uses of deferred constants
are modified in Ada 95 to allow more cases, and catch all errors at compile
time. This change is necessary in order to allow deferred constants of
a tagged type without violating the principle that for a dispatching
call, there is always an implementation to dispatch to. It has the beneficial
side effect of catching some Ada-83-erroneous programs at compile time.
The new rule fits in well with the new freezing-point rules. Furthermore,
we are trying to convert undefined-value problems into bounded errors,
and we were having trouble for the case of deferred constants. Furthermore,
uninitialized deferred constants cause trouble for the shared variable
/ tasking rules, since they are really variable, even though they purport
to be constant. In Ada 95, they cannot be touched until they become constant.
Note that we do not consider this change to
be an upward incompatibility, because it merely changes an erroneous
execution in Ada 83 into a compile-time error.
The Ada 83 semantics are unclear in the case
where the full view turns out to be an access type. It is a goal of the
language design to prevent uninitialized access objects. One wonders
if the implementation is required to initialize the deferred constant
to null, and then initialize it (again!) to its real value. In Ada 95,
the problem goes away.
Wording Changes from Ada 83
Deferred constant declarations used to have
their own syntax, but now they are simply a special case of
Extensions to Ada 95
Deferred constants were enhanced
to allow the use of anonymous access types in them.
Wording Changes from Ada 95
Added matching rules for subtypes that exclude
Wording Changes from Ada 2005
Correction: Corrected rules so that the
intent that a full constant may have a null exclusion even if the deferred
constant does not is actually met.
Ada 2005 and 2012 Editions sponsored in part by Ada-Europe