7.6.1 Completion and Finalization
[This subclause defines
completion and
of the execution of constructs and entities. A
master is the execution
of a construct that includes finalization of local objects after it is
complete (and after waiting for any local tasks — see
but before leaving. Other constructs and entities are left immediately
upon completion.
Dynamic Semantics
The execution of a construct
or entity is
complete when the end of that execution has been
reached, or when a transfer of control (see
causes it to be abandoned.
due to reaching the end of execution, or due to the transfer of control
of an
return statement, goto_statement exit_,
return_, goto_,
or of the selection of a
normal completion. Completion is
abnormal otherwise
[— when control is transferred out of a construct due to abort
or the raising of an exception].
Discussion: Don't confuse the run-time
concept of completion with the compile-time concept of completion defined
After execution of a construct
or entity is complete, it is
left, meaning that execution continues
with the next action, as defined for the execution that is taking place.
Leaving an execution happens immediately after its
completion, except in the case of a
master: the execution of a
body other than a package_body;
the execution of a statement;
or the evaluation of an expression,
or range that
is not part of an enclosing expression,
range, or
other than a simple_return_statement task_body,
a block_statement,
a subprogram_body,
an entry_body,
or an accept_statement.
A master is finalized after it is complete, and before it is left.
For the
finalization of
a master, dependent tasks are first awaited, as explained in
Then each object whose accessibility level is the same as that of the
master is finalized if the object was successfully initialized and still
exists. [These actions are performed whether the master is left by reaching
the last statement or via a transfer of control.] When a transfer of
control causes completion of an execution, each included master is finalized
in order, from innermost outward.
Ramification: As explained in
the set of objects with the same accessibility level as that of the master
includes objects declared immediately within the master, objects declared
in nested packages, objects created by
(if the ultimate ancestor access type is declared in one of those places)
and subcomponents of all of these things. If an object was already finalized
by Unchecked_Deallocation, then it is not finalized again when the master
is left.
Note that any object whose accessibility level
is deeper than that of the master would no longer exist; those objects
would have been finalized by some inner master. Thus, after leaving a
master, the only objects yet to be finalized are those whose accessibility
level is less deep than that of the master.
To be honest: Subcomponents of objects
due to be finalized are not finalized by the finalization of the master;
they are finalized by the finalization of the containing object.
Reason: We need to finalize subcomponents
of objects even if the containing object is not going to get finalized
because it was not fully initialized. But if the containing object is
finalized, we don't want to require repeated finalization of the subcomponents,
as might normally be implied by the recursion in finalization of a master
and the recursion in finalization of an object.
To be honest: Formally, completion and
leaving refer to executions of constructs or entities. However, the standard
sometimes (informally) refers to the constructs or entities whose executions
are being completed. Thus, for example, “the subprogram call or
task is complete” really means “the execution of the
subprogram call or task is complete.”
finalization of an object:
the full type of the object is
an elementary type, finalization has no effect;
Reason: {
We say “full type” in this and the
following bullets as privacy is ignored for the purpose of determining
the finalization actions of an object; that is as expected for Dynamic
Semantics rules.
the full type of the object is
tagged type, and the tag of the object identifies of
a controlled type, the Finalize procedure
of that
controlled type is called;
the full type of the object is
a protected type,
or if the full type of
the object is a tagged type and the tag of the object identifies a protected
type, the actions defined in
9.4 are
the full type of the object is
a composite type, then after performing the above actions, if
any, every component of the object is finalized in an arbitrary order,
except as follows:
if the object has a component
with an access discriminant constrained by a per-object expression, this
component is finalized before any components that do not have such discriminants;
for an object with several components with such a discriminant, they
are finalized in the reverse of the order of their
Reason: This allows the finalization
of a component with an access discriminant to refer to other components
of the enclosing object prior to their being finalized.
To be honest: {
The components discussed here are all of the components
that the object actually has, not just those components that are statically
identified by the type of the object. These can be different if the object
has a classwide type.
If the object has coextensions (see 3.10.2),
each coextension is finalized after the object whose access discriminant
designates it.
Ramification: {
In the case of an aggregate
or function call that is used (in its entirety) to directly initialize
a part of an object, the coextensions of the result of evaluating the
or function call are transfered to become coextensions of the object
being initialized and are not finalized until the object being initialized
is ultimately finalized, even if an anonymous object is created as part
of the operation.
Immediately before an instance
of Unchecked_Deallocation reclaims the storage of an object, the object
is finalized. [If an instance of Unchecked_Deallocation is never applied
to an object created by an
the object will still exist when the corresponding master completes,
and it will be finalized then.]
order in which the finalization of a
master performs finalization of objects
is as follows:
Objects created by declarations in the master
finalized in the reverse order of their creation.
For objects that were created by allocators
for an access type whose ultimate ancestor is declared in the master,
this rule is applied as though each such object that still exists had
been created in an arbitrary order at the first freezing point (see 13.14)
of the ultimate ancestor type;
the finalization of these objects is called the finalization of the
collection. Objects created by allocators for an anonymous access type that are not
coextensions of some other object, are finalized in an arbitrary order
during the finalization of their associated master. After the finalization of a master is complete, the objects finalized
as part of its finalization cease to exist, as do any types and
subtypes defined and created within the master.
This paragraph
was deleted.Reason: {
Note that we talk about the type of the allocator
here. There may be access values of a (general) access type pointing
at objects created by allocators
for some other type; these are not finalized at this point.
This paragraph
was deleted.{
The freezing point of the ultimate ancestor access
type is chosen because before that point, pool elements cannot be created,
and after that point, access values designating (parts of) the pool elements
can be created. This is also the point after which the pool object cannot
have been declared. We don't want to finalize the pool elements until
after anything finalizing objects that contain access values designating
them. Nor do we want to finalize pool elements after finalizing the pool
object itself.
This paragraph
was deleted.Ramification: {
Finalization of allocated objects is done according
to the (ultimate ancestor) allocator
type, not according to the storage pool in which they are allocated.
Pool finalization might reclaim storage (see 13.11,
“Storage Management”), but has
nothing (directly) to do with finalization of the pool elements.
This paragraph
was deleted.{
Note that finalization is done only for objects
that still exist; if an instance of Unchecked_Deallocation has already
gotten rid of a given pool element, that pool element will not be finalized
when the master is left.
Note that a deferred constant declaration does
not create the constant; the full constant declaration creates it. Therefore,
the order of finalization depends on where the full constant declaration
occurs, not the deferred constant declaration.
An imported object is not created by its declaration.
It is neither initialized nor finalized.
Implementation Note: An implementation
has to ensure that the storage for an object is not reclaimed when references
to the object are still possible (unless, of course, the user explicitly
requests reclamation via an instance of Unchecked_Deallocation). This
implies, in general, that objects cannot be deallocated one by one as
they are finalized; a subsequent finalization might reference an object
that has been finalized, and that object had better be in its (well-defined)
finalized state.
Each nonderived access type T has an associated
collection, which is the set of objects created
by allocators
of T, or of types derived from T. Unchecked_Deallocation
removes an object from its collection. Finalization of a collection consists
of finalization of each object in the collection, in an arbitrary order.
The collection of an access type is an object implicitly declared at
the following place:
Ramification: {
The place of the implicit declaration determines
when allocated objects are finalized. For multiple collections declared
at the same place, we do not define the order of their implicit declarations.
Finalization of allocated objects is done according
to the (ultimate ancestor) allocator
type, not according to the storage pool in which they are allocated.
Pool finalization might reclaim storage (see 13.11,
“Storage Management”), but has
nothing (directly) to do with finalization of the pool elements.
Note that finalization is done only for objects
that still exist; if an instance of Unchecked_Deallocation has already
gotten rid of a given pool element, that pool element will not be finalized
when the master is left.
Reason: {
Note that we talk about the type of the allocator
here. There may be access values of a (general) access type pointing
at objects created by allocators
for some other type; these are not (necessarily) finalized at this point.
For a named access type,
the first freezing point (see 13.14) of the
Reason: {
The freezing point of the ultimate ancestor access
type is chosen because before that point, pool elements cannot be created,
and after that point, access values designating (parts of) the pool elements
can be created. This is also the point after which the pool object cannot
have been declared. We don't want to finalize the pool elements until
after anything finalizing objects that contain access values designating
them. Nor do we want to finalize pool elements after finalizing the pool
object itself.
For the type of an access
parameter, the call that contains the allocator.
For the type of an access
result, within the master of the call (see 3.10.2).
To be honest: {
We mean at a place within the master consistent
with the execution of the call within the master. We don't say that normatively,
as it is difficult to explain that when the master of the call need not
be the master that immediately includes the call (such as when an anonymous
result is converted to a named access type).
For any other anonymous access
type, the first freezing point of the innermost enclosing declaration.
The master of an object is the master enclosing
its creation whose accessibility level (see 3.10.2)
is equal to that of the object, except in
the case of an anonymous object representing the result of an aggregate
or function call. If such an anonymous object is part of the result of
evaluating the actual parameter expression for an explicitly aliased
parameter of a function call, the master of the object is the innermost
master enclosing the evaluation of the aggregate
or function call, excluding the aggregate
or function call itself. Otherwise, the master of such an anonymous object
is the innermost master enclosing the evaluation of the aggregate
or function call, which may be the aggregate
or function call itself. If
the object_name
in an object_renaming_declaration,
or the actual parameter for a generic formal in out parameter
in a generic_instantiation,
denotes any part of an anonymous object created by a function call, the
anonymous object is not finalized until after it is no longer accessible
via any name. Otherwise, an The anonymous objects created by a function
call or calls
and by an
aggregate is s
are finalized no later than the end of the
innermost enclosing declarative_item
or statement;
if that is a compound_statement,
the object is they
are finalized before starting the execution
of any statement
within the compound_statement.
This paragraph
was deleted.To be honest: {
This is not to be construed as permission to call
Finalize asynchronously with respect to normal user code. For example,
This paragraph
was deleted.declare
X : Some_Controlled_Type := F(G(...));
-- The anonymous objects created for F and G are finalized
-- no later than this point.
Y : ...
This paragraph
was deleted.The anonymous object for
G should not be finalized at some random point in the middle of the body
of F, because F might manipulate the same data structures as the Finalize
operation, resulting in erroneous access to shared variables.
Reason: {
This effectively imports all of the special rules
for the accessibility level of renames, allocators,
and so on, and applies them to determine where objects created in them
are finalized. For instance, the master of a rename of a subprogram is
that of the renamed subprogram. It might
be quite inconvenient for the implementation to defer finalization of
the anonymous object for G until after copying the value of F into X,
especially if the size of the result is not known at the call site.
In 3.10.2 we assign
an accessibility level to the result of an aggregate
or function call that is used to directly initialize a part of an object
based on the object being initialized. This is important to ensure that
any access discriminants denote objects that live at least as long as
the object being initialized. However, if the result of the aggregate
or function call is not built directly in the target object, but instead
is built in an anonymous object that is then assigned to the target,
the anonymous object needs to be finalized after the assignment rather
than persisting until the target object is finalized (but not its coextensions).
(Note than an implementation is never required to create such an anonymous
object, and in some cases is required to not have such a separate
object, but rather to build the result directly in the target.)
The special case for explicitly aliased parameters
of functions is needed for the same reason, as access discriminants of
the returned object may designate one of these parameters. In that case,
we want to lengthen the lifetime of the anonymous objects as long as
the possible lifetime of the result.
We don't do a similar change for other kinds of
calls, because the extended lifetime of the parameters adds no value,
but could constitute a storage leak. For instance, such an anonymous
object created by a procedure call in the elaboration part of a package
body would have to live until the end of the program, even though it
could not be used after the procedure returns (other than via Unchecked_Access).
Ramification: {
Note that the lifetime of the master given to anonymous
objects in explicitly aliased parameters of functions is not necessarily
as long as the lifetime of the master of the object being initialized
(if the function call is used to initialize an allocator,
for instance). In that case, the accessibility check on explicitly aliased
parameters will necessarily fail if any such anonymous objects exist.
This is necessary to avoid requiring the objects to live as long as the
access type or having the implementation complexity of an implicit coextension.
In the case of an expression
that is a master, finalization of any (anonymous) objects occurs after
completing as
the final part of evaluation of the
expression and all use of the objects, prior to starting the execution of any subsequent
construct. If
a transfer of control or raising of an exception occurs prior to performing
a finalization of an anonymous object, the anonymous object is finalized
as part of the finalizations due to be performed for the object's innermost
enclosing master.
Bounded (Run-Time) Errors
It is a bounded error for a call on Finalize or Adjust
that occurs as part of object finalization or assignment
to propagate an exception. The possible consequences depend on
what action invoked the Finalize or Adjust operation:
Ramification: It is not a bounded error
for Initialize to propagate an exception. If Initialize propagates an
exception, then no further calls on Initialize are performed, and those
components that have already been initialized (either explicitly or by
default) are finalized in the usual way.
It also is not a bounded error for an explicit
call to Finalize or Adjust to propagate an exception. We do not want
implementations to have to treat explicit calls to these routines specially.
For an Adjust invoked as part of assignment
operations other than those invoked as part of an assignment_statement the
initialization of a controlled object,
other adjustments due to be performed might or might not be performed,
and then Program_Error is raised. During its propagation, finalization
might or might not be applied to objects whose Adjust failed.
For an Adjust invoked as part of an
assignment_statement assignment
statement operation,
any other adjustments due to be performed are performed, and then Program_Error
is raised.
Reason: {
In the case of assignments that are part of initialization,
there is no need to complete all adjustments if one propagates an exception,
as the object will immediately be finalized. So long as a subcomponent
is not going to be finalized, it need not be adjusted, even if it is
initialized as part of an enclosing composite assignment operation for
which some adjustments are performed. However, there is no harm in an
implementation making additional Adjust calls (as long as any additional
components that are adjusted are also finalized), so we allow the implementation
flexibility here. On the other hand, for an assignment_statement assignment
statement, it is important that all
adjustments be performed, even if one fails, because all controlled subcomponents
are going to be finalized. Other kinds of
assignment are more like initialization than assignment_statements,
so we include them as well in the permission.
Ramification: {
Even if an Adjust invoked as part of the initialization
of a controlled object propagates an exception, objects whose initialization
(including any Adjust or Initialize calls) successfully completed will
be finalized. The permission above only applies to objects whose Adjust
failed. Objects for which Adjust was never even invoked must not be finalized.
For a Finalize invoked as part
of a call on an instance of Unchecked_Deallocation, any other finalizations
due to be performed are performed, and then Program_Error is raised.
Discussion: {
The standard does not specify if storage is recovered
in this case. If storage is not recovered (and the object continues to
exist), Finalize may be called on the object again (when the allocator's
master is finalized).
This paragraph
was deleted.{
a Finalize invoked as part of the finalization of the anonymous object
created by a function call or aggregate,
any other finalizations due to be performed are performed, and then Program_Error
is raised.
For a Finalize invoked due
to reaching the end of the execution of a master, any other finalizations
associated with the master are performed, and Program_Error is raised
immediately after leaving the master.
Discussion: {
This rule covers both ordinary objects created
by a declaration, and anonymous objects created as part of evaluating
an expression.
All contexts that create objects that need finalization are defined to
be masters.
For a Finalize invoked by the transfer of control
of an
return statement, goto_statement exit_,
return_, goto_,
Program_Error is raised no earlier than after the finalization of the
master being finalized when the exception occurred, and no later than
the point where normal execution would have continued. Any other finalizations
due to be performed up to that point are performed before raising Program_Error.
Ramification: For example, upon leaving
due to a
the Program_Error would be raised at the point of the target statement
denoted by the label, or else in some more dynamically nested place,
but not so nested as to allow an
that has visibility upon the finalized object to handle it. For example,
procedure Main is
Outer_Block_Statement : declare
X : Some_Controlled_Type;
Inner_Block_Statement : declare
Y : Some_Controlled_Type;
Z : Some_Controlled_Type;
goto The_Label;
when Program_Error => ... -- Handler number 1.
when Program_Error => ... -- Handler number 2.
when Program_Error => ... -- Handler number 3.
end Main;
will first cause Finalize(Y) to be called. Suppose that Finalize(Y) propagates
an exception. Program_Error will be raised after leaving Inner_Block_Statement,
but before leaving Main. Thus, handler number 1 cannot handle this Program_Error;
it will be handled either by handler number 2 or handler number 3. If
it is handled by handler number 2, then Finalize(Z) will be done before
executing the handler. If it is handled by handler number 3, then Finalize(Z)
and Finalize(X) will both be done before executing the handler.
For a Finalize invoked by a transfer of control
that is due to raising an exception, any other finalizations due to be
performed for the same master are performed; Program_Error is raised
immediately after leaving the master.
Ramification: If, in the above example,
were replaced by a
then the Program_Error would be handled by handler number 2, and Finalize(Z)
would be done before executing the handler.
Reason: We considered treating this case
in the same way as the others, but that would render certain
useless. For example, suppose the only
is one for
others in the main subprogram. If some deeply nested
call raises an exception, causing some Finalize operation to be called,
which then raises an exception, then normal execution “would have
continued” at the beginning of the
Raising Program_Error at that point would cause that handler's code to
be skipped. One would need two nested
to be sure of catching such cases!
On the other hand, the
for a given master should not be allowed to handle exceptions raised
during finalization of that master.
For a Finalize invoked by a transfer of control
due to an abort or selection of a terminate alternative, the exception
is ignored; any other finalizations due to be performed are performed.
Ramification: This case includes an asynchronous
transfer of control.
To be honest: This
violates the general principle that it is always possible for a bounded
error to raise Program_Error (see
Classification of Errors”).
Implementation Permissions
If the execution of an allocator
propagates an exception, any parts of the allocated object that were
successfully initialized may be finalized as part of the finalization
of the innermost master enclosing the allocator.
Reason: This allows
deallocating the memory for the allocated object at the innermost master,
preventing a storage leak. Otherwise, the object would have to stay around
until the finalization of the collection that it belongs to, which could
be the entire life of the program if the associated access type is library
The implementation may finalize objects created
by allocators
for an access type whose storage pool supports subpools (see 13.11.4)
as if the objects were created (in an arbitrary order) at the point where
the storage pool was elaborated instead of at the first freezing point
of the access type.
Ramification: This
allows the finalization of such objects to occur later than they otherwise
would, but still as part of the finalization of the same master. Accessibility
rules in 13.11.4 ensure that it is the
same master (usually that of the environment task).
Implementation Note:
This permission is intended to allow the allocated objects to "belong"
to the subpool objects and to allow those objects to be finalized at
the time that the storage pool is finalized (if they are not finalized
earlier). This is expected to ease implementation, as the objects will
only need to belong to the subpool and not also to the collection.
20 {
The rules of
Clause Section
10 imply that immediately prior to partition termination, Finalize operations
are applied to library-level controlled objects (including those created
of library-level access types, except those already finalized). This
occurs after waiting for library-level tasks to terminate.
Discussion: We considered defining a
pragma that would apply to a controlled type that would suppress Finalize
operations for library-level objects of the type upon partition termination.
This would be useful for types whose finalization actions consist of
simply reclaiming global heap storage, when this is already provided
automatically by the environment upon program termination.
21 A constant is only constant between
its initialization and finalization. Both initialization and finalization
are allowed to change the value of a constant.
22 Abort is deferred during certain operations
related to controlled types, as explained in
Those rules prevent an abort from causing a controlled object to be left
in an ill-defined state.
23 The Finalize procedure is called upon
finalization of a controlled object, even if Finalize was called earlier,
either explicitly or as part of an assignment; hence, if a controlled
type is visibly controlled (implying that its Finalize primitive is directly
callable), or is nonlimited (implying that assignment is allowed), its
Finalize procedure should be designed to have no ill effect if it is
applied a second time to the same object.
Discussion: Or equivalently, a Finalize
procedure should be “idempotent”; applying it twice to the
same object should be equivalent to applying it once.
Reason: A user-written Finalize procedure
should be idempotent since it can be called explicitly by a client (at
least if the type is "visibly" controlled). Also, Finalize
is used implicitly as part of the
if the type is nonlimited, and an abort is permitted to disrupt an
between finalizing the left-hand side and assigning the new value to
it (an abort is not permitted to disrupt an assignment operation between
copying in the new value and adjusting it).
Discussion: {
Either Initialize or Adjust, but not both, is applied to (almost) every
controlled object when it is created: Initialize is done when no initial
value is assigned to the object, whereas Adjust is done as part of assigning
the initial value. The one exception is the
initialized created
by an
aggregate (both the anonymous object created for an aggregate, or an object initialized
by an aggregate
that is built-in-place); Initialize is not applied to the
as a whole, nor is the value of the
or object adjusted.
of the following use the assignment operation, and thus perform value
explicit initialization of a stand-alone object
3.3.1) or of a pool element (see
default initialization of a component of a
stand-alone object or pool element (in this case, the value of each component
is assigned, and therefore adjusted, but the value of the object as a
whole is not adjusted);
function return, when the result
is not built-in-place type
is not a return-by-reference type (see 6.5);
(adjustment of the result happens before finalization of the function
values of return-by-reference types are not adjusted);
predefined operators (although the only one
that matters is concatenation; see
generic formal objects of mode
in (see
12.4); these are defined in terms of constant
declarations; and
, when the result
is not built-in-place (in this case, the value of each component,
and the parent part, for an
is assigned, and therefore adjusted, but the value of the
as a whole is not adjusted; neither is Initialize called);
The following
also use the assignment operation, but adjustment never does anything
interesting in these cases:
By-copy parameter passing uses the assignment
operation (see
6.4.1), but controlled objects
are always passed by reference, so the assignment operation never does
anything interesting in this case. If we were to allow by-copy parameter
passing for controlled objects, we would need to make sure that the actual
is finalized before doing the copy back for [
out parameters.
The finalization of the parameter itself needs to happen after the copy
back (if any), similar to the finalization of an anonymous function return
object or
For loops use the assignment operation
5.5), but since the type of the loop parameter
is never controlled, nothing interesting happens there, either.
Objects initialized by function results and aggregates
that are built-in-place. In this case, the assignment operation is never
executed, and no adjustment takes place. While built-in-place is always
allowed, it is required for some types — see 7.5
and 7.6 — and that's important since
limited types have no Adjust to call.
This paragraph
was deleted.{
Because Controlled and Limited_Controlled are library-level
tagged types, all controlled types will be library-level types, because
of the accessibility rules (see 3.10.2 and
3.9.1). This ensures that the Finalize operations
may be applied without providing any “display” or “static-link.”
This simplifies finalization as a result of garbage collection, abort,
and asynchronous transfer of control.
Finalization of the parts of a protected object
are not done as protected actions. It is possible (in pathological cases)
to create tasks during finalization that access these parts in parallel
with the finalization itself. This is an erroneous use of shared variables.
Implementation Note: One implementation
technique for finalization is to chain the controlled objects together
on a per-task list. When leaving a master, the list can be walked up
to a marked place. The links needed to implement the list can be declared
(privately) in types Controlled and Limited_Controlled, so they will
be inherited by all controlled types.
Another implementation technique, which we refer
to as the “PC-map” approach essentially implies inserting
exception handlers at various places, and finalizing objects based on
where the exception was raised.
PC-map approach is for the compiler/linker to create a map of code addresses;
when an exception is raised, or abort occurs, the map can be consulted
to see where the task was executing, and what finalization needs to be
performed. This approach was given in the Ada 83 Rationale as a possible
implementation strategy for exception handling — the map is consulted
to determine which exception handler applies.
If the PC-map approach is used, the implementation
must take care in the case of arrays. The generated code will generally
contain a loop to initialize an array. If an exception is raised part
way through the array, the components that have been initialized must
be finalized, and the others must not be finalized.
It is our intention that both of these implementation
methods should be possible.
Wording Changes from Ada 83
Finalization depends on the concepts of completion and leaving, and on
the concept of a master. Therefore, we have moved the definitions of
these concepts here, from where they used to be in
Clause Section
9. These concepts also needed to be generalized
somewhat. Task waiting is closely related to user-defined finalization;
the rules here refer to the task-waiting rules of
Clause Section
Inconsistencies With Ada 95
Ada 2012 Correction:
Changed the definition of the master of an anonymous object used to directly
initialize an object, so it can be finalized immediately rather than
having to hang around as long as the object. In this case, the Ada 2005
definition was inconsistent with Ada 95, and Ada 2012 changes it back.
It is unlikely that many compilers implemented the rule as written in
Amendment 1, so an inconsistency is unlikely to arise in practice.
Wording Changes from Ada 95
Corrigendum: Fixed the wording to say that
anonymous objects aren't finalized until the object can't be used anymore.
Corrigendum: Added wording to clarify what
happens when Adjust or Finalize raises an exception; some cases had been
Revised the definition of master to include expressions
and statements,
in order to cleanly define what happens for tasks and controlled objects
created as part of a subprogram call. Having done that, all of the special
wording to cover those cases is eliminated (at least until the Ada comments
start rolling in).
We define finalization of the collection
here, so as to be able to conveniently refer to it in other rules (especially
in 4.8, “Allocators”).
Clarified that a coextension is finalized at the
same time as the outer object. (This was intended for Ada 95, but since
the concept did not have a name, it was overlooked.)
Inconsistencies With Ada 2005
Correction: Better defined
when objects allocated from anonymous access types are finalized. This
could be inconsistent if objects are finalized in a different order than
in an Ada 2005 implementation and that order caused different program
behavior; however programs that depend on the order of finalization within
a single master are already fragile and hopefully are rare.
Wording Changes from Ada 2005
Correction: Removed a redundant rule, which
is now covered by the additional places where masters are defined.
Correction: Clarified the finalization rules
so that there is no doubt that privacy is ignored, and to ensure that
objects of classwide interface types are finalized based on their specific
concrete type.
Correction: Allowed premature finalization
of parts of failed allocators.
This could be an inconsistency, but the previous behavior is still allowed
and there is no requirement that implementations take advantage of the
Added a permission to finalize object allocated
from a subpool later than usual.
Added text to specially define the master of anonymous
objects which are passed as explicitly aliased parameters (see 6.1)
of functions. The model for these parameters is explained in detail in
Ada 2005 and 2012 Editions sponsored in part by Ada-Europe