9.6 Delay Statements, Duration, and Time
is used to block further execution until a specified
expiration time
is reached. The expiration time can be specified either as a particular
point in time (in a
or in seconds from the current time (in a
The language-defined package Calendar provides definitions for a type
Time and associated operations, including a function Clock that returns
the current time.
delay_until_statement ::= delay until delay_expression;
delay_relative_statement ::= delay delay_expression;
Name Resolution Rules
Legality Rules
There can
be multiple time bases, each with a corresponding clock, and a corresponding
time type. The type of the
in a
shall be a time type — either the type Time defined in the language-defined
package Calendar (see below),
the type Time in
the package Real_Time (see D.8), or
some other implementation-defined time type
Implementation defined: Any implementation-defined
time types.
Static Semantics
[There is a predefined fixed point type named Duration,
declared in the visible part of package Standard;] a value of type Duration
is used to represent the length of an interval of time, expressed in
seconds. [The type Duration is not specific to a particular time base,
but can be used with any time base.]
A value of the type Time in package Calendar, or of some other
time type, represents a time as reported by a corresponding clock.
The following language-defined
library package exists:
package Ada.Calendar
type Time
is private;
subtype Year_Number
is Integer
range 1901 ..
2399 2099;
subtype Month_Number
is Integer
range 1 .. 12;
subtype Day_Number
is Integer
range 1 .. 31;
subtype Day_Duration
is Duration
range 0.0 .. 86_400.0;
Reason: {
A range of 500 years was chosen, as that only requires
one extra bit for the year as compared to Ada 95. This was done to minimize
disruptions with existing implementations. (One implementor reports that
their time values represent nanoseconds, and this year range requires
63.77 bits to represent.)
function Clock
return Time;
function Year (Date : Time)
return Year_Number;
function Month (Date : Time)
return Month_Number;
function Day (Date : Time)
return Day_Number;
function Seconds(Date : Time)
return Day_Duration;
procedure Split (Date :
in Time;
Year :
out Year_Number;
Month :
out Month_Number;
Day :
out Day_Number;
Seconds :
out Day_Duration);
function Time_Of(Year : Year_Number;
Month : Month_Number;
Day : Day_Number;
Seconds : Day_Duration := 0.0)
return Time;
function "+" (Left : Time; Right : Duration) return Time;
function "+" (Left : Duration; Right : Time) return Time;
function "-" (Left : Time; Right : Duration) return Time;
function "-" (Left : Time; Right : Time) return Duration;
function "<" (Left, Right : Time) return Boolean;
function "<="(Left, Right : Time) return Boolean;
function ">" (Left, Right : Time) return Boolean;
function ">="(Left, Right : Time) return Boolean;
... -- not specified by the language
end Ada.Calendar;
Dynamic Semantics
For the execution of a
is first evaluated.
For a
the expiration time for the delay is the value of the
in the time base associated with the type of the
For a
the expiration time is defined as the current time, in the time base
associated with relative delays, plus the value of the
converted to the type Duration, and then rounded up to the next clock
The time base associated with relative delays
is as defined in
D.9, “
Accuracy” or is implementation defined.
Implementation defined: The time base
associated with relative delays.
Ramification: Rounding up to the next
clock tick means that the reading of the delay-relative clock when the
delay expires should be no less than the current reading of the delay-relative
clock plus the specified duration.
The task executing a
is blocked until the expiration time is reached, at which point it becomes
ready again. If the expiration time has already passed, the task is not
Even though the task is not blocked, it might
be put back on the end of its ready queue. See
Priority Scheduling”.
The time base associated with the type Time of package
Calendar is implementation defined. The function Clock of package Calendar
returns a value representing the current time for this time base. [The
implementation-defined value of the named number System.Tick (see
is an approximation of the length of the real-time interval during which
the value of Calendar.Clock remains constant.]
Implementation defined: The time base
of the type Calendar.Time.
The functions Year, Month, Day, and Seconds return the corresponding
values for a given value of the type Time, as appropriate to an implementation-defined
time zone timezone;
the procedure Split returns all four corresponding values. Conversely,
the function Time_Of combines a year number, a month number, a day number,
and a duration, into a value of type Time. The operators "+"
and "–" for addition and subtraction of times and durations,
and the relational operators for times, have the conventional meaning.
Implementation defined: The time
zone timezone used for package Calendar
Ramification: {
The behavior of these values and subprograms if
the time zone changes is also implementation-defined. In particular,
the changes associated with summer time adjustments (like Daylight Savings
Time in the United States) should be treated as a change in the implementation-defined
time zone. The language does not specify whether the time zone information
is stored in values of type Time; therefore the results of binary operators
are unspecified when the operands are the two values with different effective
time zones. In particular, the results of "-" may differ from
the "real" result by the difference in the time zone adjustment.
Similarly, the result of UTC_Time_Offset (see 9.6.1) may or may not reflect
a time zone adjustment.
If Time_Of is called with a seconds value of 86_400.0,
the value returned is equal to the value of Time_Of for the next day
with a seconds value of 0.0. The value returned by the function Seconds
or through the Seconds parameter of the procedure Split is always less
than 86_400.0.
The exception Time_Error is raised by the function Time_Of if the actual
parameters do not form a proper date. This exception is also raised by
the operators "+" and "–" if the result is
not representable in the type Time or Duration, as appropriate. This
exception is also raised by the function
, Month, Day, and Seconds and or
the procedure Split if the year number of the given date is outside of
the range of the subtype Year_Number.
To be honest: {
By "proper date" above we mean that the given year has a month
with the given day. For example, February 29th is a proper date only
for a leap year.
We do not mean to include the
Seconds in this notion; in particular, we do not mean to require implementations
to check for the “missing hour” that occurs when Daylight
Savings Time starts in the spring.
Reason: {
We allow Year and Split to raise Time_Error because the arithmetic operators
are allowed (but not required) to produce times that are outside the
range of years from 1901 to
2399 2099.
This is similar to the way integer operators may return values outside
the base range of their type so long as the value is mathematically correct.
We allow the functions Month, Day and Seconds to
raise Time_Error so that they can be implemented in terms of Split.
Implementation Requirements
The implementation of the type Duration shall allow
representation of time intervals (both positive and negative) up to at
least 86400 seconds (one day); Duration'Small shall not be greater than
twenty milliseconds. The implementation of the type Time shall allow
representation of all dates with year numbers in the range of Year_Number[;
it may allow representation of other dates as well (both earlier and
Implementation Permissions
An implementation may define additional time types
(see D.8).
Implementation Note: This allows an implementation
to implement
timeouts using a representation that does not support the full range
of a time type. In particular 90 days of seconds can be represented in
23 bits, allowing a signed 24-bit representation for the seconds part
of a timeout. There is no similar restriction allowed for stand-alone
as these can be implemented internally using a loop if necessary to accommodate
a long delay.
Implementation Advice
Whenever possible in an implementation, the value
of Duration'Small should be no greater than 100 microseconds.
Implementation Note: This can be satisfied
using a 32-bit 2's complement representation with a small of 2.0**(–14)
— that is, 61 microseconds — and a range of ± 2.0**17
— that is, 131_072.0.
Implementation Advice:
The value of Duration'Small should be
no greater than 100 microseconds.
The time base for
should be monotonic; it need not be the same time base as used for Calendar.Clock.
34 A
may be executed by the environment task; consequently
may be executed as part of the elaboration of a
or the execution of the main subprogram. Such statements delay the environment
task (see
is an abort completion point and a potentially blocking operation, even
if the task is not actually blocked.
36 There is no necessary relationship between
System.Tick (the resolution of the clock of package Calendar) and Duration'Small
(the small of type Duration).
Ramification: The inaccuracy of the
has no relation to System.Tick. In particular, it is possible that the
clock used for the
is less accurate than Calendar.Clock.
We considered making Tick a run-time-determined
quantity, to allow for easier configurability. However, this would not
be upward compatible, and the desired configurability can be achieved
using functionality defined in
Annex D, “
Example of a relative
delay statement:
delay 3.0; -- delay 3.0 seconds
of a periodic task:
use Ada.Calendar;
Next_Time : Time := Clock + Period;
-- Period is a global constant of type Duration
loop -- repeated every Period seconds
delay until Next_Time;
... -- perform some actions
Next_Time := Next_Time + Period;
end loop;
Inconsistencies With Ada 83
For programs that raise
Time_Error on "+" or "–" in Ada 83,the exception
might be deferred until a call on Split or Year_Number, or might not
be raised at all (if the offending time is never Split after being calculated).
This should not affect typical programs, since they deal only with times
corresponding to the relatively recent past or near future.
Extensions to Ada 83
The type Time may represent dates with year numbers outside of Year_Number.
Therefore, the operations "+" and "–" need
only raise Time_Error if the result is not representable in Time (or
Duration); also, Split or Year will now raise Time_Error if the year
number is outside of Year_Number. This change is intended to simplify
the implementation of "+" and "–" (allowing
them to depend on overflow for detecting when to raise Time_Error) and
to allow local
time zone timezone
information to be considered at the time of Split rather than Clock (depending
on the implementation approach). For example, in a POSIX environment,
it is natural for the type Time to be based on GMT, and the results of
procedure Split (and the functions Year, Month, Day, and Seconds) to
depend on local time zone information. In other environments, it is more
natural for the type Time to be based on the local time zone, with the
results of Year, Month, Day, and Seconds being pure functions of their
This paragraph
was deleted.{
We anticipate that implementations will provide
child packages of Calendar to provide more explicit control over time
zones and other environment-dependent time-related issues. These would
be appropriate for standardization in a given environment (such as POSIX).
Inconsistencies With Ada 95
The upper bound of Year_Number
has been changed to avoid a year 2100 problem. A program which expects
years past 2099 to raise Constraint_Error will fail in Ada 2005. We don't
expect there to be many programs which are depending on an exception
to be raised. A program that uses Year_Number'Last as a magic number
may also fail if values of Time are stored outside of the program. Note
that the lower bound of Year_Number wasn't changed, because it is not
unusual to use that value in a constant to represent an unknown time.
Wording Changes from Ada 95
Ada 2005 and 2012 Editions sponsored in part by Ada-Europe