A.18.6 The Generic Package Containers.Ordered_Maps
Static Semantics
The generic library package Containers.Ordered_Maps
has the following declaration:
with Ada.Iterator_Interfaces;
type Key_Type is private;
type Element_Type is private;
with function "<" (Left, Right : Key_Type) return Boolean is <>;
with function "=" (Left, Right : Element_Type) return Boolean is <>;
package Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps is
pragma Preelaborate(Ordered_Maps);
pragma Remote_Types(Ordered_Maps);
function Equivalent_Keys (Left, Right : Key_Type) return Boolean;
type Map is tagged private
with Constant_Indexing => Constant_Reference,
Variable_Indexing => Reference,
Default_Iterator => Iterate,
Iterator_Element => Element_Type;
pragma Preelaborable_Initialization(Map);
type Cursor is private;
pragma Preelaborable_Initialization(Cursor);
Empty_Map : constant Map;
No_Element : constant Cursor;
function Has_Element (Position : Cursor) return Boolean;
package Map_Iterator_Interfaces is new
Ada.Iterator_Interfaces (Cursor, Has_Element);
function "=" (Left, Right : Map) return Boolean;
function Length (Container : Map) return Count_Type;
function Is_Empty (Container : Map) return Boolean;
procedure Clear (Container : in out Map);
function Key (Position : Cursor) return Key_Type;
function Element (Position : Cursor) return Element_Type;
procedure Replace_Element (Container : in out Map;
Position : in Cursor;
New_Item : in Element_Type);
procedure Query_Element
(Position : in Cursor;
Process : not null access procedure (Key : in Key_Type;
Element : in Element_Type));
procedure Update_Element
(Container : in out Map;
Position : in Cursor;
Process : not null access procedure
(Key : in Key_Type;
Element : in out Element_Type));
type Constant_Reference_Type
(Element : not null access constant Element_Type) is private
with Implicit_Dereference => Element;
type Reference_Type (Element : not null access Element_Type) is private
with Implicit_Dereference => Element;
function Constant_Reference (Container : aliased in Map;
Position : in Cursor)
return Constant_Reference_Type;
function Reference (Container : aliased in out Map;
Position : in Cursor)
return Reference_Type;
function Constant_Reference (Container : aliased in Map;
Key : in Key_Type)
return Constant_Reference_Type;
function Reference (Container : aliased in out Map;
Key : in Key_Type)
return Reference_Type;
procedure Assign (Target : in out Map; Source : in Map);
procedure Move (Target : in out Map;
Source : in out Map);
procedure Insert (Container : in out Map;
Key : in Key_Type;
New_Item : in Element_Type;
Position : out Cursor;
Inserted : out Boolean);
procedure Insert (Container : in out Map;
Key : in Key_Type;
Position : out Cursor;
Inserted : out Boolean);
procedure Insert (Container : in out Map;
Key : in Key_Type;
New_Item : in Element_Type);
procedure Include (Container : in out Map;
Key : in Key_Type;
New_Item : in Element_Type);
procedure Replace (Container : in out Map;
Key : in Key_Type;
New_Item : in Element_Type);
procedure Exclude (Container : in out Map;
Key : in Key_Type);
procedure Delete (Container : in out Map;
Key : in Key_Type);
procedure Delete (Container : in out Map;
Position : in out Cursor);
procedure Delete_First (Container : in out Map);
procedure Delete_Last (Container : in out Map);
function First (Container : Map) return Cursor;
function First_Element (Container : Map) return Element_Type;
function First_Key (Container : Map) return Key_Type;
function Last (Container : Map) return Cursor;
function Last_Element (Container : Map) return Element_Type;
function Last_Key (Container : Map) return Key_Type;
function Next (Position : Cursor) return Cursor;
procedure Next (Position : in out Cursor);
function Previous (Position : Cursor) return Cursor;
procedure Previous (Position : in out Cursor);
function Find (Container : Map;
Key : Key_Type) return Cursor;
function Element (Container : Map;
Key : Key_Type) return Element_Type;
function Floor (Container : Map;
Key : Key_Type) return Cursor;
function Ceiling (Container : Map;
Key : Key_Type) return Cursor;
function Contains (Container : Map;
Key : Key_Type) return Boolean;
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function Has_Element (Position : Cursor) return Boolean;
function "<" (Left, Right : Cursor) return Boolean;
function ">" (Left, Right : Cursor) return Boolean;
function "<" (Left : Cursor; Right : Key_Type) return Boolean;
function ">" (Left : Cursor; Right : Key_Type) return Boolean;
function "<" (Left : Key_Type; Right : Cursor) return Boolean;
function ">" (Left : Key_Type; Right : Cursor) return Boolean;
procedure Iterate
(Container : in Map;
Process : not null access procedure (Position : in Cursor));
procedure Reverse_Iterate
(Container : in Map;
Process : not null access procedure (Position : in Cursor));
function Iterate (Container : in Map)
return Map_Iterator_Interfaces.Reversible_Iterator'Class;
function Iterate (Container : in Map; Start : in Cursor)
return Map_Iterator_Interfaces.Reversible_Iterator'Class;
... -- not specified by the language
end Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps;
Two keys K1 and K2
are equivalent if both K1 < K2 and K2
< K1 return False, using the generic formal "<"
operator for keys. Function Equivalent_Keys returns True if Left and
Right are equivalent, and False otherwise.
The actual function for the generic formal function
"<" on Key_Type values is expected to return the same value
each time it is called with a particular pair of key values. It should
define a strict weak ordering
relationship (see A.18),
that is, be irreflexive, asymmetric, and transitive.
If the actual for "<" behaves in some other manner, the
behavior of this package is unspecified. Which subprograms of this package
call "<" and how many times they call it, is unspecified.
Implementation Note:
The implementation is not required to protect against "<"
raising an exception, or returning random results, or any other “bad”
behavior. It's not practical to do so, and a broken "<"
function makes the container unusable.
The implementation can
call "<" whenever it is needed; we don't want to specify
how often that happens. The result must remain the same (this is a logically
pure function), or the behavior is unspecified.
If the value of a key stored in a map is changed
other than by an operation in this package such that at least one of
"<" or "=" give different results, the behavior
of this package is unspecified.
Implementation Note:
The implementation is not required to protect against changes to
key values other than via the operations declared in the Ordered_Maps
see how this could happen, imagine an instance of Ordered_Maps package
where the key type is an access-to-variable type and "<"
returns a value derived from comparing the components of the designated
objects. Then, any operation that has a key value (even if the key value
is constant) could modify those components and change the result of "<":
Key (Map).Some_Component := New_Value;
This is really a design
error on the part of the user of the map; it shouldn't be possible to
modify keys stored in a map such that "<" changes. But we
can't prevent this error anymore than we can prevent someone passing
as "<" a routine that produces random answers.
first node first
node of a nonempty map is the one
whose key is less than the key of all the other nodes in the map. The
last node last
node of a nonempty map is the one
whose key is greater than the key of all the other elements in the map.
The successor successor of a node is the node with the smallest key that is larger than the key
of the given node. The predecessor predecessor of a node is the node with the largest key that is smaller than the key
of the given node. All comparisons are done using the generic formal
"<" operator for keys.
function Copy (Source : Map) return Map;
Returns a map whose keys and elements are initialized
from the corresponding keys and elements of Source.
procedure Delete_First (Container : in out Map);
If Container is empty, Delete_First has no effect.
Otherwise, the node designated by First (Container) is removed from Container. Delete_First
tampers with the cursors of Container.
procedure Delete_Last (Container : in out Map);
If Container is empty, Delete_Last has no effect.
Otherwise, the node designated by Last (Container) is removed from Container. Delete_Last
tampers with the cursors of Container.
function First_Element (Container : Map) return Element_Type;
function First_Key (Container : Map) return Key_Type;
function Last (Container : Map) return Cursor;
Returns a cursor that designates the last node
in Container. If Container is empty, returns No_Element.
function Last_Element (Container : Map) return Element_Type;
function Last_Key (Container : Map) return Key_Type;
function Previous (Position : Cursor) return Cursor;
If Position equals No_Element, then Previous returns
No_Element. Otherwise, Previous returns a cursor designating the predecessor
node of that
precedes the one designated by Position.
If Position designates the first element, then Previous returns No_Element.
procedure Previous (Position : in out Cursor);
function Floor (Container : Map;
Key : Key_Type) return Cursor;
Floor searches for the last node whose key is not
greater than Key, using the generic formal "<" operator
for keys. If such a node is found, a cursor that designates it is returned.
Otherwise, No_Element is returned.
function Ceiling (Container : Map;
Key : Key_Type) return Cursor;
Ceiling searches for the first node whose key is
not less than Key, using the generic formal "<" operator
for keys. If such a node is found, a cursor that designates it is returned.
Otherwise, No_Element is returned.
function "<" (Left, Right : Cursor) return Boolean;
function ">" (Left, Right : Cursor) return Boolean;
function "<" (Left : Cursor; Right : Key_Type) return Boolean;
function ">" (Left : Cursor; Right : Key_Type) return Boolean;
function "<" (Left : Key_Type; Right : Cursor) return Boolean;
function ">" (Left : Key_Type; Right : Cursor) return Boolean;
procedure Reverse_Iterate
(Container : in Map;
Process : not null access procedure (Position : in Cursor));
Iterates over the nodes in Container as per procedure
Iterate, with the difference that the nodes
are traversed in predecessor order, starting with the last node.
function Iterate (Container : in Map)
return Map_Iterator_Interfaces.Reversible_Iterator'Class;
Iterate returns a reversible iterator object (see
5.5.1) that will generate a value for a loop
parameter (see 5.5.2) designating each node
in Container, starting with the first node and moving the cursor according
to the successor relation when used as a forward iterator, and starting
with the last node and moving the cursor according to the predecessor
relation when used as a reverse iterator. Tampering with the cursors
of Container is prohibited while the iterator object exists (in particular,
in the sequence_of_statements
of the loop_statement
whose iterator_specification
denotes this object). The iterator object needs finalization.
function Iterate (Container : in Map; Start : in Cursor)
return Map_Iterator_Interfaces.Reversible_Iterator'Class;
If Start is not No_Element and does not designate
an item in Container, then Program_Error is propagated. If Start is No_Element,
then Constraint_Error is propagated. Otherwise, Iterate returns a reversible
iterator object (see 5.5.1) that will generate
a value for a loop parameter (see 5.5.2)
designating each node in Container, starting with the node designated
by Start and moving the cursor according to the successor relation when
used as a forward iterator, or moving the cursor according to the predecessor
relation when used as a reverse iterator. Tampering with the cursors
of Container is prohibited while the iterator object exists (in particular,
in the sequence_of_statements
of the loop_statement
whose iterator_specification
denotes this object). The iterator object needs finalization.
Exits are allowed from the loops created using the iterator objects.
In particular, to stop the iteration at a particular cursor, just add
exit when Cur = Stop;
the body of the loop (assuming that Cur is the loop parameter
and Stop is the cursor that you want to stop at).
Implementation Advice
If N is the length of a map, then the worst-case
time complexity of the Element, Insert, Include, Replace, Delete, Exclude
and Find operations that take a key parameter should be O((log
N)**2) or better. The worst-case time complexity of the subprograms
that take a cursor parameter should be O(1).
Implementation Advice:
The worst-case time complexity of Element,
Insert, Include, Replace, Delete, Exclude and Find operations that take
a key parameter for Containers.Ordered_Maps should be O((log N)**2)
or better. The worst-case time complexity of the subprograms of Containers.Ordered_Maps
that take a cursor parameter should be O(1).
Implementation Note:
A balanced (red-black) tree for keys has O(log N) worst-case
performance. Note that a O(N) worst-case implementation
(like a list) would be wrong.
Reason: We do not
mean to overly constrain implementation strategies here. However, it
is important for portability that the performance of large containers
has roughly the same factors on different implementations. If a program
is moved to an implementation that takes O(N) to find elements,
that program could be unusable when the maps are large. We allow the
extra log N factors because the proportionality constant and caching
effects are likely to be larger than the log factor, and we don't want
to discourage innovative implementations.
Extensions to Ada 95
The generic package Containers.Ordered_Maps
is new.
Incompatibilities With Ada 2005
Subprograms Assign and Copy
are added to Containers.Ordered_Maps. If an instance of Containers.Ordered_Maps
is referenced in a use_clause,
and an entity E with the same defining_identifier
as a new entity in Containers.Ordered_Maps is defined in a package that
is also referenced in a use_clause,
the entity E may no longer be use-visible, resulting in errors.
This should be rare and is easily fixed if it does occur.
Extensions to Ada 2005
Added iterator and indexing
support to make ordered map containers more convenient to use.
Wording Changes from Ada 2005
Correction: Redefined "<" actuals
to require a strict weak ordering; the old definition allowed indeterminant
comparisons that would not have worked in a container.
Correction: Added a pragma Remote_Types
so that containers can be used in distributed programs.
Ada 2005 and 2012 Editions sponsored in part by Ada-Europe