A.3.5 The Package Wide_Characters.Handling
The package Wide_Characters.Handling provides operations
for classifying Wide_Characters and case folding for Wide_Characters.
Static Semantics
The library package Wide_Characters.Handling has
the following declaration:
function Character_Set_Version return String;
function Is_Control (Item : Wide_Character) return Boolean;
function Is_Letter (Item : Wide_Character) return Boolean;
function Is_Lower (Item : Wide_Character) return Boolean;
function Is_Upper (Item : Wide_Character) return Boolean;
function Is_Digit (Item : Wide_Character) return Boolean;
function Is_Decimal_Digit (Item : Wide_Character) return Boolean
renames Is_Digit;
function Is_Hexadecimal_Digit (Item : Wide_Character) return Boolean;
function Is_Alphanumeric (Item : Wide_Character) return Boolean;
function Is_Special (Item : Wide_Character) return Boolean;
function Is_Line_Terminator (Item : Wide_Character) return Boolean;
function Is_Mark (Item : Wide_Character) return Boolean;
function Is_Other_Format (Item : Wide_Character) return Boolean;
function Is_Punctuation_Connector (Item : Wide_Character) return Boolean;
function Is_Space (Item : Wide_Character) return Boolean;
function Is_Graphic (Item : Wide_Character) return Boolean;
function To_Lower (Item : Wide_Character) return Wide_Character;
function To_Upper (Item : Wide_Character) return Wide_Character;
function To_Lower (Item : Wide_String) return Wide_String;
function To_Upper (Item : Wide_String) return Wide_String;
end Ada.Wide_Characters.Handling;
The subprograms defined in Wide_Characters.Handling
are locale independent.
function Character_Set_Version return String;
Returns an implementation-defined identifier that
identifies the version of the character set standard that is used for
categorizing characters by the implementation.
function Is_Control (Item : Wide_Character) return Boolean;
Returns True if the Wide_Character designated by
Item is categorized as other_control; otherwise
returns False.
function Is_Letter (Item : Wide_Character) return Boolean;
Returns True if the Wide_Character designated by
Item is categorized as letter_uppercase, letter_lowercase,
letter_titlecase, letter_modifier,
letter_other, or number_letter;
otherwise returns False.
function Is_Lower (Item : Wide_Character) return Boolean;
Returns True if the Wide_Character designated by
Item is categorized as letter_lowercase; otherwise
returns False.
function Is_Upper (Item : Wide_Character) return Boolean;
Returns True if the Wide_Character designated by
Item is categorized as letter_uppercase; otherwise
returns False.
function Is_Digit (Item : Wide_Character) return Boolean;
Returns True if the Wide_Character designated by
Item is categorized as number_decimal; otherwise
returns False.
function Is_Hexadecimal_Digit (Item : Wide_Character) return Boolean;
Returns True if the Wide_Character designated by
Item is categorized as number_decimal, or
is in the range 'A' .. 'F' or 'a' .. 'f'; otherwise returns False.
function Is_Alphanumeric (Item : Wide_Character) return Boolean;
Returns True if the Wide_Character designated by
Item is categorized as letter_uppercase, letter_lowercase,
letter_titlecase, letter_modifier,
letter_other, number_letter,
or number_decimal; otherwise returns False.
function Is_Special (Item : Wide_Character) return Boolean;
Returns True if the Wide_Character designated by
Item is categorized as graphic_character,
but not categorized as letter_uppercase, letter_lowercase,
letter_titlecase, letter_modifier,
letter_other, number_letter,
or number_decimal; otherwise returns False.
function Is_Line_Terminator (Item : Wide_Character) return Boolean;
Returns True if the Wide_Character designated by
Item is categorized as separator_line or separator_paragraph,
or if Item is a conventional line terminator character (Line_Feed, Line_Tabulation,
Form_Feed, Carriage_Return, Next_Line); otherwise returns False.
function Is_Mark (Item : Wide_Character) return Boolean;
Returns True if the Wide_Character designated by
Item is categorized as mark_non_spacing or
mark_spacing_combining; otherwise returns
function Is_Other_Format (Item : Wide_Character) return Boolean;
Returns True if the Wide_Character designated by
Item is categorized as other_format; otherwise
returns False.
function Is_Punctuation_Connector (Item : Wide_Character) return Boolean;
Returns True if the Wide_Character designated by
Item is categorized as punctuation_connector;
otherwise returns False.
function Is_Space (Item : Wide_Character) return Boolean;
Returns True if the Wide_Character designated by
Item is categorized as separator_space; otherwise
returns False.
function Is_Graphic (Item : Wide_Character) return Boolean;
Returns True if the Wide_Character designated by
Item is categorized as graphic_character;
otherwise returns False.
function To_Lower (Item : Wide_Character) return Wide_Character;
Returns the Simple Lowercase Mapping as defined
by documents referenced in the note in Clause 1 of ISO/IEC 10646:2011
of the Wide_Character designated by Item. If the Simple Lowercase Mapping
does not exist for the Wide_Character designated by Item, then the value
of Item is returned.
Discussion: The
case mappings come from Unicode as ISO/IEC 10646:2011 does not include
case mappings (but rather references the Unicode ones as above).
function To_Lower (Item : Wide_String) return Wide_String;
Returns the result of applying the To_Lower conversion
to each Wide_Character element of the Wide_String designated by Item.
The result is the null Wide_String if the value of the formal parameter
is the null Wide_String. The lower bound of the result Wide_String is
function To_Upper (Item : Wide_Character) return Wide_Character;
Returns the Simple Uppercase Mapping as defined
by documents referenced in the note in Clause 1 of ISO/IEC 10646:2011
of the Wide_Character designated by Item. If the Simple Uppercase Mapping
does not exist for the Wide_Character designated by Item, then the value
of Item is returned.
function To_Upper (Item : Wide_String) return Wide_String;
Returns the result of applying the To_Upper conversion
to each Wide_Character element of the Wide_String designated by Item.
The result is the null Wide_String if the value of the formal parameter
is the null Wide_String. The lower bound of the result Wide_String is
Implementation Advice
The string returned by Character_Set_Version should
include either “10646:” or “Unicode”.
Implementation Advice:
The string returned by Wide_Characters.Handling.Character_Set_Version
should include either “10646:” or “Unicode”.
Discussion: The
intent is that the returned string include the year for 10646 (as in
"10646:2011"), and the version number for Unicode (as in "Unicode
6.0"). We don't try to specify that further so we don't need to
decide how to represent Corrigenda for 10646, nor which of these is preferred.
(Giving a Unicode version is more accurate, as the case folding and mapping
rules always come from a Unicode version [10646 just tells one to look
at Unicode to get those], and the character classifications ought to
be the same for equivalent versions, but we don't want to talk about
non-ISO standards in an ISO standard.)
8 {
The results returned by these functions may depend
on which particular version of the 10646 standard is supported by the
implementation (see 2.1).
Extensions to Ada 2005
Ada 2005 and 2012 Editions sponsored in part by Ada-Europe