Annex B
Interface to Other Languages
Annex describes features for writing mixed-language programs. General
interface support is presented first; then specific support for C, COBOL,
and Fortran is defined, in terms of language interface packages for each
of these languages.
Ramification: This Annex is not a “Specialized
Needs” annex. Every implementation must support all nonoptional
features defined here (mainly the package Interfaces).
Language Design Principles
Ada should have strong support for mixed-language
Implementation Requirements
Support for interfacing to any foreign language
is optional. However, an implementation shall not provide any optional
aspect, attribute, library unit, or pragma having the same name as an
aspect, attribute, library unit, or pragma (respectively) specified in
the subclauses of this Annex unless the provided construct is either
as specified in those subclauses or is more limited in capability than
that required by those subclauses. A program that attempts to use an
unsupported capability of this Annex shall either be identified by the
implementation before run time or shall raise an exception at run time.
Discussion: The
intent is that the same rules apply for the optional parts of language
interfacing as apply for Specialized Needs Annexes. See 1.1.3
for a discussion of the purpose of these rules.
Extensions to Ada 83
Much of the functionality
in this Annex is new to Ada 95.
Wording Changes from Ada 83
This Annex contains what used to be RM83-13.8.
Wording Changes from Ada 2005
Moved the clarification that interfacing to foreign
languages is optional and has the same restrictions as a Specialized
Needs Annex here.
Ada 2005 and 2012 Editions sponsored in part by Ada-Europe