C.7.1 The Package Task_Identification
Static Semantics
The following language-defined
library package exists:
package Ada.Task_Identification
pragma Preelaborate(Task_Identification);
type Task_Id
is private;
pragma Preelaborable_Initialization (Task_Id);
Null_Task_Id :
constant Task_Id;
function "=" (Left, Right : Task_Id)
return Boolean;
function Image (T : Task_Id)
return String;
function Current_Task
return Task_Id;
function Environment_Task return Task_Id;
procedure Abort_Task (T :
in out Task_Id);
function Is_Terminated (T : Task_Id)
return Boolean;
function Is_Callable (T : Task_Id)
return Boolean;
function Activation_Is_Complete (T : Task_Id) return Boolean;
... --
not specified by the language
end Ada.Task_Identification;
Dynamic Semantics
A value of the type Task_Id identifies an existent
task. The constant Null_Task_Id does not identify any task. Each object
of the type Task_Id is default initialized to the value of Null_Task_Id.
The function "=" returns True if and only
if Left and Right identify the same task or both have the value Null_Task_Id.
The function Image returns an implementation-defined
string that identifies T. If T equals Null_Task_Id, Image returns an
empty string.
Implementation defined: The result of
the Task_Identification.Image attribute.
The function Current_Task returns a value that identifies
the calling task.
The function Environment_Task returns a value that
identifies the environment task.
The effect of Abort_Task is the same as the
for the task identified by T. [In addition, if T identifies the environment
task, the entire partition is aborted, See
The functions Is_Terminated and Is_Callable return
the value of the corresponding attribute of the task identified by T.
Ramification: {
These routines can be called with an argument identifying
the environment task. Is_Terminated will always be False for such a call,
but Is_Callable (usually True) could be False if the environment task
is waiting for the termination of dependent tasks. Thus, a dependent
task can use Is_Callable to determine if the main subprogram has completed.
The function Activation_Is_Complete returns True
if the task identified by T has completed its activation (whether successfully
or not). It returns False otherwise. If T identifies the environment
task, Activation_Is_Complete returns True after the elaboration of the
of the partition has completed.
For a
T that is of a task type [(after any implicit dereference)], the following
attribute is defined:
Yields a value of the type Task_Id
that identifies the task denoted by T.
Yields a value of the type Task_Id that identifies the task whose call
is now being serviced. Use of this attribute is allowed only inside an
or accept_statement,
or entry_body
after the entry_barrier,
corresponding to the
denoted by E.
Program_Error is raised if a
value of Null_Task_Id is passed as a parameter to Abort_Task, Is_Terminated,
and Is_Callable.
is a potentially blocking operation (see
Bounded (Run-Time) Errors
It is a bounded error to call the Current_Task function
from an
entry_body entry
body, or an
interrupt handler
, or finalization of a task attribute.
Program_Error is raised, or an implementation-defined
value of the type Task_Id is returned.
Implementation defined: The value of
Current_Task when in a protected entry, or interrupt handler, or finalization of
a task attribute.
Implementation Note: This value could
be Null_Task_Id, or the ID of some user task, or that of an internal
task created by the implementation.
Ramification: {
An entry barrier is syntactically part of an entry_body,
so a call to Current_Task from an entry barrier is also covered by this
Erroneous Execution
If a value of Task_Id is passed
as a parameter to any of the operations declared in this package (or
any language-defined child of this package), and the corresponding task
object no longer exists, the execution of the program is erroneous.
Documentation Requirements
The implementation shall document the effect of calling
Current_Task from an entry body or interrupt handler.
This paragraph
was deleted.Implementation defined:
The effect of calling Current_Task from
an entry body or interrupt handler.
Documentation Requirement:
The effect of calling Current_Task from
an entry body or interrupt handler.
10 This package is intended for use in
writing user-defined task scheduling packages and constructing server
tasks. Current_Task can be used in conjunction with other operations
requiring a task as an argument such as Set_Priority (see
11 The function Current_Task and the attribute
Caller can return a Task_Id value that identifies the environment task.
Extensions to Ada 95
Task_Identification is now preelaborated, so it
can be used in preelaborated units.
Wording Changes from Ada 95
Corrected the wording to include finalization of
a task attribute in the bounded error case; we don't want to specify
which task does these operations.
Incompatibilities With Ada 2005
Functions Environment_Task
and Activation_Is_Complete are added to Task_Identification. If Task_Identification
is referenced in a use_clause,
and an entity E with a defining_identifier
of Environment_Task or Activation_Is_Complete is defined in a package
that is also referenced in a use_clause,
the entity E may no longer be use-visible, resulting in errors.
This should be rare and is easily fixed if it does occur.
Ada 2005 and 2012 Editions sponsored in part by Ada-Europe