J.15.5 Interfacing Pragmas
interfacing pragma is a representation pragma that is one of the
pragmas Import,
Export, or Convention. Their forms are as follows:
For pragmas
Import and Export, the argument for Link_Name shall not be given without
the pragma_argument_identifier
unless the argument for External_Name is given.
Name Resolution Rules
Legality Rules
The local_name
of each of these pragmas shall denote a declaration that may have the
similarly named aspect specified.
Static Semantics
An interfacing pragma specifies various aspects
of the entity denoted by the local_name
as follows:
A pragma
Import specifies that the Import aspect (see B.1)
is True.
A pragma
Export specifies that the Export aspect (see B.1)
is True.
For both pragma
Import and Export, if an external name is given in the pragma, the External_Name
aspect (see B.1) is specified to be external_name_string_expression.
If a link name is given in the pragma, the Link_Name aspect (see B.1)
is specified to be the link_name_string_expression.
Wording Changes from Ada 2005
This subclause is new. Pragmas Import, Export,
and Convention were moved here from B.1; aspects
Import, Export, Convention, Link_Name, and External_Name live there now.
Ada 2005 and 2012 Editions sponsored in part by Ada-Europe