11.4.2 Pragmas Assert and Assertion_Policy
Pragma Assert is used to assert the truth of a boolean
expression at a point within a sequence of declarations or statements.
Assert pragmas, subtype predicates (see
preconditions and postconditions (see
and type invariants (see
7.3.2) are collectively
referred to as
assertions; their boolean expressions are referred
to as
assertion expressions.
Pragma Assertion_Policy is used to control whether
assertions are to be ignored by the implementation, checked at run time,
or handled in some implementation-defined manner.
The form of a
Assert is as follows:
The form of a
Assertion_Policy is as follows:
Name Resolution Rules
The expected type for the
of a
Assert is any boolean type. The expected type for the
of a
Assert is type String.
Legality Rules
of a
Assertion_Policy shall be one of Assert, Static_Predicate, Dynamic_Predicate,
Pre, Pre'Class, Post, Post'Class, Type_Invariant, Type_Invariant'Class,
or some implementation defined
shall be either Check, Ignore, or some implementation-defined
Static Semantics
Assertion_Policy determines for each assertion aspect named in the
whether assertions of the given aspect are to be enforced by a run-time
check. The
Check requires that assertion expressions of the given aspect be checked
that they evaluate to True at the points specified for the given aspect;
Ignore requires that the assertion expression not be evaluated at these
points, and the run-time checks not be performed. Note that for subtype
predicate aspects (see
3.2.4), even when
the applicable Assertion_Policy is Ignore, the predicate will still be
evaluated as part of membership tests and Valid
and if static, will still have an effect on loop iteration over the subtype,
and the selection of
If no
are specified in the pragma, the specified policy applies to all assertion
Assertion_Policy applies to the named assertion aspects in a specific
region, and applies to all assertion expressions specified in that region.
pragma Assertion_Policy
given in a
or immediately within a
applies from the place of the pragma to the end of the innermost enclosing
declarative region. The region for a
Assertion_Policy given as a configuration pragma is the declarative region
for the entire compilation unit (or units) to which it applies.
If multiple Assertion_Policy pragmas apply to
a given construct for a given assertion aspect, the assertion policy
is determined by the one in the innermost enclosing region of a
Assertion_Policy specifying a policy for the assertion aspect. If no
such Assertion_Policy pragma exists, the policy is implementation defined.
The following language-defined
library package exists:
package Ada.Assertions
pragma Pure(Assertions);
Assertion_Error :
procedure Assert(Check :
in Boolean);
procedure Assert(Check :
in Boolean; Message :
in String);
end Ada.Assertions;
A compilation unit containing a check for an assertion
(including a
Assert) has a semantic dependence on the Assertions library unit.
This paragraph was
Dynamic Semantics
If performing checks is required by the Assert assertion
policy in effect at the place of a
Assert, the elaboration of the pragma consists of evaluating the boolean
expression, and if the result is False, evaluating the Message argument,
if any, and raising the exception Assertions.Assertion_Error, with a
message if the Message argument is provided.
Calling the procedure
Assertions.Assert without a Message parameter is equivalent to:
if Check = False then
raise Ada.Assertions.Assertion_Error;
end if;
Calling the procedure
Assertions.Assert with a Message parameter is equivalent to:
if Check = False then
raise Ada.Assertions.Assertion_Error with Message;
end if;
The procedures Assertions.Assert have these effects
independently of the assertion policy in effect.
Bounded (Run-Time) Errors
It is a bounded error to invoke a potentially
blocking operation (see
9.5.1) during the
evaluation of an assertion expression associated with a call on, or return
from, a protected operation. If the bounded error is detected, Program_Error
is raised. If not detected, execution proceeds normally, but if it is
invoked within a protected action, it might result in deadlock or a (nested)
protected action.
Implementation Permissions
Assertion_Error may be declared by renaming an implementation-defined
exception from another package.
Implementations may define their own assertion policies.
If the result of a function call in an assertion
is not needed to determine the value of the assertion expression, an
implementation is permitted to omit the function call. This permission
applies even if the function has side effects.
An implementation need not allow the specification
of an assertion expression if the evaluation of the expression has a
side effect such that an immediate reevaluation of the expression could
produce a different value. Similarly, an implementation need not allow
the specification of an assertion expression that is checked as part
of a call on or return from a callable entity C, if the evaluation
of the expression has a side effect such that the evaluation of some
other assertion expression associated with the same call of (or return
from) C could produce a different value than it would if the first
expression had not been evaluated.
2 Normally, the boolean expression in a
pragma Assert
should not call functions that have significant side effects when the
result of the expression is True, so that the particular assertion policy
in effect will not affect normal operation of the program.
Ada 2005 and 2012 Editions sponsored in part by Ada-Europe