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H.5 Pragma Detect_Blocking

The following pragma requires an implementation to detect potentially blocking operations during the execution of a protected operation or a parallel construct.


The form of a pragma Detect_Blocking is as follows: 
  pragma Detect_Blocking;

Post-Compilation Rules

A pragma Detect_Blocking is a configuration pragma. 

Dynamic Semantics

An implementation is required to detect a potentially blocking operation that occurs during the execution of a protected operation or a parallel construct defined within a compilation unit to which the pragma applies, and to raise Program_Error (see 9.5).

Implementation Permissions

An implementation is allowed to reject a compilation_unit to which a pragma Detect_Blocking applies if a potentially blocking operation is present directly within an entry_body, the body of a protected subprogram, or a parallel construct occurring within the compilation unit. 
NOTE   An operation that causes a task to be blocked within a foreign language domain is not defined to be potentially blocking, and is unlikely to be detected. 

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